Tuesday 26 April 2016

Anzac Day Stories

Anzac Ted is the beautiful tale of a teddy bear who goes to war. It is told through the eyes of a young boy. It is about his love for his bear who was passed down to him from his grandpa. 

This story is about the Anzac spirit, courage, loyalty and love. I hope you enjoy listening to Anzac Ted this week. 

Another touching Anzac day story is Anzac Biscuits by Phil Cummings. This story brings together life on the front line with the tenderness of life at home. 

Click here to watch the author talk about his inspiration for the book: 


Here's one more moving story, told completely in dialog about a young Australian soldier in the Battle of the Somme. It made me feel both happy and sad. Let me know your thoughts on it.   


  1. thank you for reading us anzac ted

  2. You're welcome Georges - glad you enjoyed it :)

  3. thanks miss this book was my favorite even though I got to emotional when I read it myself and pictured it in my head.
